Actualités de nos Membres
- Dr Loïc Guyon, Honorary Consul of France and Head of the Department of French Studies at Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Limerick, makes the headlines end of January 2025 for his research work to identify the location of Sarsfield’s remains in Belgium. A breakthrough in January 2025 has been widely reported in the media.
Remains found in Belgium may belong to war hero Sarsfield – RTE news
Hopes remains found in Belgium are those of Irish war hero Patrick Sarsfield – Morning Ireland
MIC Academic believed to have found remains of Limerick war hero | Mary Immaculate College
Human remains found in Belgium could be Irish war hero Patrick Sarsfield – The Irish Times,
MIC academic believed to have found remains of Limerick war hero in Belgium
- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris, President of AMOPA Irlande, has just published her new book entitled
Principles of French Constitutional Law with Routledge!
“Comprehensive, illuminating and crystal clear, Principles of French Constitutional Law opens a window into the doctrine, history and theory of one of the world’s most fascinating and influential constitutions.” — Richard Albert, Professor of World Constitutions and Director of Constitutional Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, US.
- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris published a new book in English on French Constitutional Law: ML Paris, Constitutional Law in France, International Encyclopaedia of Laws (2nd edn, Wolters Kluwer 2024). Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, the book by Wolters Kluwer provides essential information on France’s sources of constitutional law, its form of government, and its administrative structure. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, makes this book a valuable time-saving tool for both practising and academic jurists (excerpts of back cover). Read more:
- Vous trouverez dans The Irish Examiner (19 février 2023) un nouveau volet dans le magnifique projet de recherche sur Patrick Sarsfield mené par notre ami amopalien, Dr. Loic Guyon. Cette fois-ci, Loic met en lumière l’épouse peu connue de Patrick Sarsfield, Honora Burke. Exilée avec son mari en France et ensuite veuve à l’âge de 19 ans, elle y est décédée près de Montpellier en 1698. Elle n’avait que 22 ans.
Cet article est dû à la plume de Clodagh Finn, notre invitée au Dialogue de l’AMOPA Irlande du 20 octobre 2021 où elle nous a présenté sa biographie de Mary Elmes, une Irlandaise qui a sauvé la vie à plusieurs centaines d’enfants juifs en France pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.
- In January 2023, Prof. Frederic Dias (UCD) and his team have received a prestigious grant awarded by the European Research Council for the research on the Aran Islands that he presented to us at one of our Dialogues. « (…) The Highwave project applies fluid dynamics to study the physical mechanisms underlying destructive breaking waves on the ocean’s surface and develop accurate wave models.
Such models could help improve criteria for the design of ships and coastal and offshore infrastructures, help to quantify seabed erosion, and help to quantify air-sea CO2 transfer, which is key to predicting future climate.
Frédéric Dias, a professor at University College Dublin and ENS Paris-Saclay, along with his team have operated their research station on Inis Meáin since early 2019, capturing never-before-seen real-time data on breaking ocean waves and maritime climate conditions that has far-reaching potential for impact in multiple sectors including maritime communications. (…) »
Read the rest of the article on the SiliconRepublic website
Prof. Grace Neville‘s appointments early 2022:
– appointment (Feb. 2022) by Minister Frédérique Vidal, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, to a 6-person committee which the Minister will chair as part of the 30 billion euro initiative, France 2030, announced by President Macron in October 2021 (see p.27 in Dossier de presse-Comité France 2030_01022022).
– appointment to the jury of Compétences et Métiers d’Avenir (a 2.5 billion euro component of the France 2030 French state initiative; see
– appointment (Feb. 2022) by the European Commission as Expert Evaluator in projects on capacity building in higher education (CBHE).
-election (Feb. 2022) to the board of directors of LPI (Learning Planet Institute, formerly CRI Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche), Le Marais, Paris (see
– appointment to the Comité Scientifique et Technique of a French state investment programme, PEPR (Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche exploratoires) Enseignement et Numérique (a I billion euro component of the France 2030 state initiative).
– appointment (Jan. 2022) by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles as the only non-French jury member for the inaugural Prix CGE (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) de l’Innovation pédagogique.- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris, UCD Law, is co-organising with the French Embassy a Student Event (free registration) in UCD Sutherland School of Law on Monday 24 January 2022 at 1.30pm. The event on The European Strategic Autonomy aims to stimulate debate on strategic issues and raise awareness about the EU collective security among young European citizens. Admiral Mark Mellett, former Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, and Colonel Armel Dirou, Deputy Head of Defence Strategy, French Ministry of Defence will exchange their perspectives on defence and security issues from an Irish and French perspective and in the context of the EU. 24 January 2022 Event Programme
- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris was awarded the Ulysses grant in 2020 for a project on Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies in a Franco-Irish comparative perspective. Her project features as case study on the Irish Research Council’s website marking 25 years of this research collaboration between France and Ireland. See
- Dominique Le Meur was responsible for the translation into French of one of President Michael D. Higgins’ speeches in the recent edition of the President’s speeches: Reclaiming the European Street: Speeches on Europe and the European Union, 2016-20 (eds Joachim Fischer and Fergal Lenihan, Lilliput, 2021, pp. 230-247).
- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris, Director of the UCD Centre for Human Rights, co-organised the Conference ‘Critical Exploration of Human Rights’ which took place in May 2021.
2021 Conference-7&8May21 - 8 April 2021: the 100th volume of the series that Dr. Eamon Maher edits with Peter Lang was launched by Professor Anne Fogarty via Zoom. A letter of support by President Michael D. Higgins was read out and HE M. Vincent Guérend did a pre-recorded message to congratulate Eamon on this landmark achievement.
- March 2021: Prof. Grace Neville was appointed to the jury of the French Government 800M euro initiative, ExcellencES, part of the PIA4 (fourth round of the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir) at the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Paris (see
- Prof. Grace Neville was interviewed on the programme ‘Tus Aite’ on RTE Raidio na Gaeltachta on Thursday 4 March on the topic of the award by France to Edna O’Brien on 7 March of the title of Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres. You can listen back to this interview on the link below: - Read Dr Eamon Maher on the influential French writer and priest, Jean Sulivan, whose memoir he translated. Eamon has long believed that Jean Sulivan’s writing deserves far more recognition than it has received in recent times. During the 1960s and 70s, he was very highly regarded in French literary circles and yet is rarely spoken of now. 41 years after his death following a hit and run accident as he emerged from one of his daily walks in the Bois de Boulogne, it is time to restore him to his rightful place in 20th-century French literature. This Irish Times article, published on 17th February 2021, is the start of that rehabilitation – Jean Sulivan: the priesthood of the pen
- Listen to Dr Loïc Guyon, Honorary Consul of France in Limerick, who joined Sean Moncrieff (Newstalk radio) on 16th February and find out how a breakthrough has been made by the Consular Agency of France and the Civic Trust in their bid to locate Patrick Sarsifeld’s remains. You can also check this article from the Limerick Leader on the subject.
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